Saturday, May 3, 2014

Seattle 2012

Destiny is something we've invented because we can't stand the fact that everything that happens is accidental. August 2, 2012

Today we head to Seattle by way of Detroit. I can't recommend Detroit. I have to say that, for a city that has the highest murder rate, the airport is quite nice. We did have some entertainment with a flight (not ours) being cancelled because the captain was missing (passengers weren't happy).

Dave's airplane karma held so we were seated in front of the bathroom and surrounded by boisterous kids. I brought a bottle of Benadryl, but Dave said I wasn't allowed to spike their Pepsi.
Once we made it to Seattle, Uncle Dad and Aunt Corinne picked us up. They were held up a bit by a drug bust in the cell phone lot.

We are now safe and sound in the B&B. We were greeted by one of the resident cats and dog and are now going to collapse for the night.

Marriage is hard enough without bringing such low expectations into it.
August 3, 2012
After a great breakfast at the B&B, we headed to Matthew's to work in his deck. When Matthew ripped the crotch out of his pants, Dave tried to convince him to use the tool belt as a loin cloth, but Matt wasn't brave enough for that kind of fashion statement. I personally thought he could have fixed it with duct tape. The government uses it all the time so it has to be good.
While everyone else worked hard, Aunt Corinne and I supervised, made sure everyone stayed fed and hydrated, and even fixed some boo boos. All of the batteries in the power tools finally died and refused to recharge (claimed they were too hot), so we called it day.
After quick showers, we all headed to the Crab Pot for a big family dinner. Both clans came for an old fashioned crab boil. Though dinner was uneventful, there was some excitement in the parking lot when we left. Everyone in our party was spared,someone gang of kids broke the windows of 13 cars to steal stuff lying around.
Then it was time to head back to the B&B. We grabbed some chocolate on the way as a snack. Since we have to get up early tomorrow to continue working on the house, it is definitely time for bed.

P.S. The subject lines are quotes from Sleepless in Seattle.

"Well, this is fate! She's divorced, we don't want to redo the cabinets, and you need a wife. What do they call it when everything intersects?" "The Bermuda Triangle."
August 4, 2012
Today Aunt Corinne and I were road warriors while the men worked on the deck. We fetched coffee, lunch, replacement bits and tape measures, friends from the airport, and later dinner. It's a tough job, but someone has to do it.

The men made great progress and will hopefully finish it up tomorrow. Of course they won't be able to work as late since we have the wedding reception at 5. There was some confusion regarding the dress code. Some people brought jeans while others have brought suits and little black dresses so the dancing and bonfires should be interesting.
Everyone is worn out now so I see an early bedtime tonight.

Verbal ability is a highly overrated thing in a guy, and it's our pathetic need for it that gets us into so much trouble.
August 5, 2012

Our B&B is very nice, but is in the middle of nowhere. Garmin actually says we're floating in a forest. It is nice and quiet at least.

Today we're working on the deck again. We're down to just Matthew, Uncle Dad, and Dave, but they have a good system going. Aunt Corinne and I carried boards and fetched refreshments.

Matthew was complaining that Dave and I brought the heat with us. It was up to 90. Matt couldn't understand how Dave was comfortable in pants while he was sweating like Cybaca. The poor dog was trying to stay cool in the shade and her ball so I couldn't throw it anymore. There was actually a heat advisory for the temperature! Northerners....


King County gives Big Brother a run for its money. They take satellite pictures every two years to track what people have done on their land and ensure they had the proper permits. Apparently that's how Matthew got into trouble for his garage.

 Then it was time to head back to get ready for the party. We stopped by Safeway to get some Aloe and I managed to offend a man in food stamps. He couldn't remember the pin so I, trying to be helpful and not realizing it was not a check card, told him to use it as credit card. He didn't appreciate it. Though Matthew said we could show up naked, we decided to go for jeans. The party was held at John's Place. The owner named it after his friend who died. On the way there, we passed a student driver who managed to total a Cadillac (what moron teaches students to drive in a Cadillac) and a man who got his water out of a fire hydrant.

The party was quite nice. People were allowed to bring their dogs and they kept an eye on the kitchen to make sure no shenanigans occurred. Uncle Dad and Madison both gave wonderful toasts and then it was time for the dancing and hay rides. Since we are heading back to work on the porch tomorrow, we left when the party started to really get going. We headed back to the B&B to get some sleep. We stopped to grab some ice cream on the way to finish a great night.

Morning will be here soon so better head to bed.

Your destiny can be your doom.
August 6, 2012

 Today Aunt Corinne and I played road warriors again. Dave, Matthew, and Uncle Dad almost finished the deck, but ram out of screws. Matthew offered to fly us back to help him finish it and other pieces of the house. He also said Dave was quite durable.

While the Northerners sat in the sun complaining about the heat (low 90's), Dave and I sat in the shade with the fan. Silly Yankees. :)

Before we knew it, it was time to head back to the airport. Dave and Uncle Dad took showers at Matt and Robin's house to spare the passengers. Since they had worn the same work clothes the entire time we were there, the hammers came in handy to prevent the clothes from walking away and get them into the luggage. We got to eat dinner with Aunt Corinne and Uncle Dad before their plane took off to Alaska. Dave and I are now awaiting our flight to head back home. We seem to be in the hinter boonies called the S gates. It seems to be the area that time and personnel forgot with the bathrooms still having ash trays in them. It does look like they are trying to update the place, but it mostly looks like a big mess. We made it to Detroit and it appears some people have a rough night. That or the police are using Delta blankets to cover dead bodies. Some actually have little tents set up.

It was a long trip, but we have now made it home. Dave and Trixie are now doing laundry (his deck building clothes will need an extra wash) and I'm on the way to work. Yes, I did shower first.

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