Sunday, May 4, 2014

Pre Defense

For anyone preparing for their pre-defense:
  1. Make sure it isn't too technical, even if you are getting a degree in a technical field. Try not to show too many mathematical formulas and all algorithms should be in text form (i.e. loop through all flights then do x).
  2. Make sure you tell a story from beginning to end so that everyone can following what you are doing and why
  3. Make sure to point out what you did. Highlight your contributions!
  4. Make sure to explain why what you did is important.  

Once my comprehensives and proposal defense were complete, I was ready for my pre-defense. My advisor had other ideas. Chapters that had been perfect for my proposal needed to be gutted for my pre-defense and I needed to define a lot more algorithms. So, after killing a forest, lots of bleeding papers, a baby, and 4 new algorithms, my advisor said I was finally ready for my pre-defense.

After my comprehensive exam and proposal presentation, I have to say that my pre-defense was a bit of a let down. I practiced with my advisor, with my dissertation support group, recorded myself giving the presentation so I listen to it when driving, etc. Though I had been ready for the inquisition, it was a lot more like a working group meeting. My committee members made comments as I went through the presentation about how I should change x to y, it was too technical (yes, that was the biggest complaint), and that it should tell more of a story.

Mark and John were a lot harsher on it that my committee members.

But, after two hours, I was done and ready to schedule my final defense. Maybe the light at the end of the tunnel isn't a train coming to meet me. :)

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