Sunday, March 30, 2014

Surviving Portugal

One of the many statues Dave and I have seen while wandering through Lisbon. We’re not doing too bad considering we don’t speak the language and, like Ireland, street signs are scarce.

Today we went to the Sanctuary and to see the ship named after Fernando II and Gloria as it was being restored. I’ll post more later when I have a better internet connection.

For dinner, Dave and I went to a local pizza joint to have pizza, beer, and watch the World Cup with the locals!

Adventures of a PhD Student

Since the conferences I have submitted papers to have asked for web pages, my husband started one up for me. I figured I would post the tidbits that I and the other members of the Dissertation Support Group have found to make this process just a little bit easier as well as the papers I manage to get published. Hopefully, it will help.

This is my first published paper: SimQL: Simulation-Based Decision Modeling Over Stochastic Databases.  The Volgeneau School of Information Technology and Engineering at George Mason University require us to be published five times before we can defend our dissertation. So, one down and four to go!!!