Saturday, May 3, 2014

I'm late! I'm late! For a very important date!

Actually, I'm not late, but I'm learning from Jeff's pain the importance of dates. These dates are for Mason so dates at other schools are proably different.
  1. You have to give your committee members a copy of your dissertation at least 2 weeks before you have your pre-defense. If you do not, you may be left hanging after your pre-defense to find out if you have passed or not. Jeff was made to wait a week after his pre-defense to find out the results.
  2. Though this is the digital age, have hard copies of your dissertation for each member of your committe along with one extra since there always seems to be someone else who has to come for some reason. Yes, you are killing trees, but at this point, do you really care?
  3. There needs to be a month between your pre-defense and your defense. This is a requirememnt and not a suggestion.
  4. Your dissertation presentation should be about 45 minutes. This is just the presentation portion and does not include questions, interruptions, arguments, etc.
I'll add more dates as we find them out. I know there are ones or getting the library to approve your formatting as well as when to turn it in and fill out gradation paperwork  The end is near!

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